Throughout society children are
generalized into gender stereotypes, they learn to adopt gender roles, which
are not always fair to both sexes. As a child grows up into who they are, they
are exposed to different factors that influence their beliefs, attitudes and
behaviors regarding gender roles.
As a child you spend most of your time with your family so you adopt
these attitudes and behaviors from them as you grow up. They are the main
reason you become who and how you are regarding gender characteristics. As you
mature, your peers and school experiences amongst other things help to further molding
your gender role. When I was a young boy I learned what it was to be a boy or a
girl in our society. Boys and girls are expected to like different specific things,
do different things, and most of the time are against things that would put
them on that little line of whether or not it is too feminine or masculine for
When I was born, within 24 hours my
parents knew that they would raise me to be a man. This was shown in the way
they had set up my room. The colors of the room were blue and red, a color that
generally is regarded with males rather than females. The decorations of the
room were sports and cars. The way my room was set up showed how I was
socialized into my gender role. This
was technically not fair because they engulfed me in this and didn’t give me a
chance to formulate otherwise. This was to be my room with the things they
expected me as a male to want and like.
If they wanted me to become more feminine they could have surrounded me
with colors that are generally “girly” such as pinks and light pastels. My
decorations could have been floral without any cars or sport
paraphernalia. When I have my
children I will decorate the room a neutral color so the child has a freer chance
to become open minded to what he/she likes once he/she grows older and
understands more
The activities I did when I was
younger were also a way into which I was socialized into my gender role. My
parents bought me a baseball glove, which is typically a male sport. I always
was encouraged to play catch with my father and take some batting practices. If
I threw the ball underhand, I would hear the stereotypical comment, “don’t
throw like a girl.” Being a female usually meant you would throw underhand or
have less power than a male and throw it with weak velocity. This is generally
not true also. If I had females come over to play with and they brought their
barbies I was not encouraged to play with them. My parents bought me action
figures such as GI JOE, a manlier figure than the famous plastic Barbie and Ken
Besides my parents socializing me
into my gender role, society and television did just the same as well.
Commercials were a big part of socialization or gender roles. Have you ever
seen a female on a car commercial pumping gas or changing the oil? Once I
became a teen and understood the difference of a female and male I tended to
notice a lot more things that were socialized into the gender roles. A TV show
usually consist of the females cooking the food while the men were out at work.
This shows that cooking is seen as more of a female activity, which isn’t
always true.
I conformed to the gender roles
that I was exposed to because I fell in love with sports and became very
athletic. Females can be very athletic also, but if one female tends to excel then
she is usually called a “tom boy.” I tended to always be manlier and ride my
bikes fast, do tricks on scooters, and not be scared to fall and get hurt. If I
resisted the gender role my parents exposed me to, I could have possibly been
more cautious and rather than enjoying riding fast or building ramps to jump
off of, could have feared getting injured like most expect from a female. I
integrated the gender rules and roles that I was taught as a child into my
adult self by always going to the gym and lifting heavy weights. I always wanted
to get bigger and bigger and was never fully satisfied with being small, or
skinny like a female typically strive for. I am always physically active. I
still decorate my room with sports pictures and masculine colors. You will
never see my room purple even though my favorite color is purple. There are
limits to what I can do with my favorite color since it is considered a female
color. I will definitely wear purple clothing, but I would not paint my wall
purple. You will never find me writing in a diary since that is considered to
be a female gender characteristic. I would keep a book of writing and call it a
journal, but definitely not a diary.
As you can see, we are shaped to our
gender roles by our surroundings, and by our upbringing. Society today strongly shows what is
expected of a male and female. Socialization of gender roles are not always
fair for everyone. We should all have our free will of choice to be what we
want to be and not worry of society making fun of us for our decisions.