Success..I Think So
Over winter break, as I stated in an earlier post, I had my observations for EDU 256. This consisted of a 2-week experience of me waking up early, getting dressed professionally, and driving to a near-by Middle School for a week, and then a High School the following week. I observed students capable of all different abilities working with others and participating in activities. I learned a lot through my experience. I discovered different ways to teach certain lessons and ways to hook the students to keep them on track. Along with this came a binder I had to complete for the class. It was very overwhelming because there was such an abundance of work to be completed in a short amount of time. I organized my materials and completed them right away and did not let it drag on to the last week of my vacation. I submitted the book on time and the next step was waiting for my interview. I was nervous for this at the beginning, but I practiced talking to friends, strangers, and even into a mirror until I had trust in myself to be confident and go into the interview with no doubt in my mind that I would impress the interviewers. The interview arrived and I got all dressed up, I was looking pretty fly. I was called into the office and the interview began. I started off with a firm handshake and introduced myself. I kept a smile on my face and added a little humor to my answers to show my true personality. The interview was over in the blink of an eye, the time just flew. I was told that my notebook was one of the best notebooks they had seen. I didn't acknowledge myself enough for this comment I received. I had recently received an email from Lynn Couturier, the head the the Physical Education Department, whom was my interviewer. The email stated that I had received honors for my notebook and interview. I was ecstatic about this news because I worked so hard on this book and I was recognized for it. My book was placed in a show case with 10 other books whom also had received honors. The major has about 200 students, and I was in the top 11. This is an astonishing achievement that I am truly proud of. Hard work really does pay off, everything you do in life, attempt it with your best effort. Never settle for less than you deserve. I never imagined that my book would be selected for this, but I had worked hard on it. It is better to try things and fail, then fail to try. In this particular case, I didn't fail, but I achieved complete success.
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