Who I AM

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Hello everyone, I am 23 years old and a Physical Education. I graduated from SUNY CORTLAND upstate New York. I am currently getting my masters in HPER at Emporia State University in Kansas.I currently work at Malverne High School as a leave replacement for physical education. I also teach 1 health and physical education class at the middle school for their district. I love volleyball and I am very competitive. I like challenges and being pushed to my limits. I've done some amazing DVD workouts such as Insanity and Insanity Asylum and P90X2. They can change your physical appearance tremendously. Your results are based on what you give in, how much you will push yourself, how much pain you can take and keep pushing knowing it will only benefit you. How much sweat are you willing to sweat? I believe that every person in this world can make a difference in a positive way, my way is by teaching. This blog is mainly from my undergraduate degree but I tend to add more post as I continue my career.

January 23, 2012

A Coach, Mentor, And Role Model

A coach is a person who trains an athlete or a team of athletes. A mentor is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher. A role model is a person whose behavior or success can be held as an example for others, especially by younger people. When I think of these three definitions only one name pops into my head, Angelo Cioffaletti. This adult who I am extremely close with demonstrates all these qualities. "Coach Cioff" is how his students refer to him. He is one of the most motivating and inspirational people I know. I can personally say that he has helped me to be who I am today and has influenced me to become a future Physical Education teacher and coach. 

I met Coach Cioff my junior year in high school. He became the assistant coach for the boys varsity volleyball team. Coach Cioff and I grew close as the year went on. He was mainly coaching with the head coach to be the conditioning coach since he was big into exercise science and was a marathon runner. Coach Cioff would be at practice an hour before we had to be there to prepare for his part in coaching, the conditioning. He had a wide variety of different techniques to get us into shape for our season. Coach Cioff always was organized and had set goals for each day. As the year went on he became someone I looked up to. He was extremely passionate for what he did and always was would do anything in his power to benefit his players. He would do anything for us as long as we showed him the same respect. He would work with every player to get them warmed up and stretched out for the games and practices. He took his own time to warm up my shoulders and stretch me out. He did not have to do this, I could have done it myself, but cared to assist me in any way he could possible. He was basically like a trainer to me as well as a coach. He did much more for us players than any average coach would do. He always pushed us to our true potential and was never satisfied with just "okay." 

Coach Cioff was a remarkable man, but he lacked in volleyball experience. He never played volleyball competitively and never had a strong background in it either. He researched the game night and day to help not only himself, but us. He never rested till he was satisfied. He was an extremely competitive guy, and never quite happy with a loss, but he would use it as a learning experience.  Before each game, he would give us a motivational speech. He would pinpoint to us some of the main reasons to which why we play this sport. For us being at the level we were at, we were expected to win. He would talk to us about tunnel vision and just setting our minds to one thing and with that determination leave behind all else. He made sure we were energetic and fully prepared for our games. He had such a passion for coaching and watching his players succeed. 

Once my junior season ended, Coach Cioff was not that happy. We lost first round of playoffs to our rivals Smithtown. Coach Cioff told us that the returning players better be ready for some intense training. We all looked at him like he was nuts. Our season had ended, why were we still expected to train. We met two times a week to weight lift until the school year was over. We also all played together at least once a week to get some repetitions with the ball. The school year was over, but Coach Cioff's training was surely not. He met with us all summer long to increase our stamina, flexibility, and jumping. He held a program 4 times a week at 8 am in the morning in our town, which was 45 minutes away from his own. He was at the field at 7:30 setting up for us and preparing for the gruesome training we were bout to endure. Some days it was 80 degrees out and sunny, and yet he still was there with a bright smile on his face. Coach Cioff was all about watching his students and players succeed. Coach was much more than just a role model to my teammates and I.

Senior year season started, and Coach Cioff had high expectations for us. We all had the same dream for our season, a County Championship. No one player wanted it more than the other. It was a team goal. Coach Cioff had many goals for us to achieve. He wrote these goals up on a big poster board and got it laminated. He brought it to practice every day to remind us why we were there. He wanted to get the point across to us, that we were a family and we all were striving for the same goals. Coach Cioff called me into his office one day and I was nervous about what to expect. I was not sure if I had done something wrong or if he was going to tell me terrible news such as not starting. Since the previous season had ended and all summer long I had been battling my best friend and teammate, Gaetano for the same spot know as the libero. Gaetano and I had been friends forever, but we both were aware that only one of us could be the libero. We were both willing to not let this hinder in our friendship. It was strictly a friendly competition between us. I walked into Coach Cioff's office and he had a smile on his face. My heart stopped beating out of my chest. I felt relieved, and I just knew it was something good. Coach Cioff sat me down and explained how my position on the court was a leader, someone who demonstrated strong qualities. He said I was the leader of the defense and the offense starter. Everything started with a pass to the setter. He told me that it was evident that I demonstrated everything needed for this position.  I had the eagerness to be in charge. He welcomed me to my new starting position, and instantly a smile lit up on my face. I never felt so thankful in my life. Gaetano crossed my mind right away and instantly I felt remorse for him since we both had wanted this spot. Sadly, like most things in life someone had to win and someone had to lose. Everyday Coach Cioff would remind me that if I slacked for a second or did not give it my all 110% of the time, it would result in my replacement. My year went on to be one that my teammates and I would never forget. We made history that year for finishing 15-1, and becoming League Champions.  When playoffs came, we lost in the Championships in the 5th game by 5 points. I, unfortunately, was not capable of playing in that game because of a season ending injury in the Semi-Finals. Gaetano, whom never was discouraged for not starting, filled my spot and made me proud in the finals. He played remarkably and did it for our team.

The meeting I had with Coach Cioff really opened my eyes to reality. The things that you really want in life do not come easy, but with hard work and persistence that which seems unattainable can be easily within reach. I worked my butt off for this position, and Coach Cioff was my inspiration. He was the one who influenced me to become a teacher. Everyday he has made me grow stronger and more confident in myself. If it wasn't for him, I do not know if I would be capable of becoming a Physical Education teacher. Everything he did for his students, their respect for him makes me want to do the same. I want to push my students and motivate them to do the impossible. I realized that if there is a will, there is a way. I thank Coach Cioff for everything he has done for me. I have still to this day been able to keep in contact with Coach Cioff. He will still be there for me as a mentor. I would do anything for him to repay him for all the times he has helped and gone well out of his way for my benefit. He is a perfect role model. I hope to one day be a coach like he was and a Physical Education teacher.

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