Who I AM

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Hello everyone, I am 23 years old and a Physical Education. I graduated from SUNY CORTLAND upstate New York. I am currently getting my masters in HPER at Emporia State University in Kansas.I currently work at Malverne High School as a leave replacement for physical education. I also teach 1 health and physical education class at the middle school for their district. I love volleyball and I am very competitive. I like challenges and being pushed to my limits. I've done some amazing DVD workouts such as Insanity and Insanity Asylum and P90X2. They can change your physical appearance tremendously. Your results are based on what you give in, how much you will push yourself, how much pain you can take and keep pushing knowing it will only benefit you. How much sweat are you willing to sweat? I believe that every person in this world can make a difference in a positive way, my way is by teaching. This blog is mainly from my undergraduate degree but I tend to add more post as I continue my career.

January 22, 2012

Early Morning Yoga Session...

Have you ever been restless or unable to fall asleep? Your energy level is high and it is just becoming earlier and earlier in the morning and you still not have attempted sleep? Well this morning, this was my issue. I looked at the time and it was 3 AM.  I needed to let out some energy to be able to lay in my bed and fall asleep. Many thoughts came through my mind of how I can tire myself out. They all did not seem like a good idea until YOGA popped into my head. I just started this P90X2 workout disc program and there is a CD on Yoga, It was actually my day to perform this so it worked out great for my schedule. Flipping through the 14 disc program to find the one that said X2 Yoga was the best decision I had made. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. After this hour long Yoga session,  I felt such a sense of lightness in my body. It was as if my whole body sighed with relief. My mind was clear of thoughts that would have kept me up all night. It was now 4 AM and my body was feeling like jello. I plopped myself into bed and I fell fast asleep. I woke up hours later and felt absolutely amazing.  I suggest everyone to try Yoga at least once in their life. Yoga is stereo-typed and considered more feminine than masculine to most individuals, but this is not true. Once you set your foot onto that mat, you become a new person. I now know what it is to be in a deep focus, trying to exceed your limitations. In this case, trying to hold a pose for a certain amount of time or really stretching out those muscles that you have not used in quite some time. I am glad I started this workout program because if I had not, I would have never even thought about attempting Yoga. I am very eager for my next session because I now set my goal to gain flexibility and perform by the summer. With great desire, anything is possible. 

Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. ~Patanjali, translated from Sanskrit

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