Who I AM

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Hello everyone, I am 23 years old and a Physical Education. I graduated from SUNY CORTLAND upstate New York. I am currently getting my masters in HPER at Emporia State University in Kansas.I currently work at Malverne High School as a leave replacement for physical education. I also teach 1 health and physical education class at the middle school for their district. I love volleyball and I am very competitive. I like challenges and being pushed to my limits. I've done some amazing DVD workouts such as Insanity and Insanity Asylum and P90X2. They can change your physical appearance tremendously. Your results are based on what you give in, how much you will push yourself, how much pain you can take and keep pushing knowing it will only benefit you. How much sweat are you willing to sweat? I believe that every person in this world can make a difference in a positive way, my way is by teaching. This blog is mainly from my undergraduate degree but I tend to add more post as I continue my career.

February 3, 2012

No Physical Education?

It is almost your 45th birthday and you're hanging onto your life by a thread. You have high blood pressure, suffered 2 heart attacks, given your self insulin shots day after day and are 100 pounds overweight. You start to question whether life is worth living. You go to your doctor because your are not feeling well. The doctor tells you that you have a blocked artery and it is getting serious. He informs you of the worst news of your life, you have 5 months to live. The toughest is wanting to be able to see your kids grow up and get married. You shed a single tear then a waterfall of them pour down your face. Your doctor goes on to tell you that when you were a child, you did not get enough physical activity. The reality of the matter was you only had PE class once a week and you never went. You never played sports or were physically active. Essentially, you were the cause of your own fate.

Today, Physical Education is getting cut from schools first before any other subject. Students sit in their classes all day and get no physical activity, they are too sedentary. They have hours of academics but not enough time for 30 minutes of activity a day. Many children learn by example, and if students do not have PE class, they will not be active everyday. Physical Education helps students release energy so they can be focused in class and not be so antsy. Schools need to recognize how being sedentary can cause obesity and overweight children. Many students and adults are overweight and this could have been prevented from being active. Physical Education must not be cut from schools, if anything, there should be more classes given. Students need activity as much as adults do. Next time your friends ask you to go play football with them at the park, don't think twice, get up and go. You can prevent yourself from getting life threatening illnesses. You can read an article that was posted on this at Helium.com

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