Who I AM

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Hello everyone, I am 23 years old and a Physical Education. I graduated from SUNY CORTLAND upstate New York. I am currently getting my masters in HPER at Emporia State University in Kansas.I currently work at Malverne High School as a leave replacement for physical education. I also teach 1 health and physical education class at the middle school for their district. I love volleyball and I am very competitive. I like challenges and being pushed to my limits. I've done some amazing DVD workouts such as Insanity and Insanity Asylum and P90X2. They can change your physical appearance tremendously. Your results are based on what you give in, how much you will push yourself, how much pain you can take and keep pushing knowing it will only benefit you. How much sweat are you willing to sweat? I believe that every person in this world can make a difference in a positive way, my way is by teaching. This blog is mainly from my undergraduate degree but I tend to add more post as I continue my career.

February 7, 2012

Success..I Think So

 Over winter break, as I stated in an earlier post, I had my observations for EDU 256. This consisted of a 2-week experience of me waking up early, getting dressed professionally, and driving to a near-by Middle School for a week, and then a High School the following week. I observed students capable of all different abilities working with others and participating in activities. I learned a lot through my experience. I discovered different ways to teach certain lessons and ways to hook the students to keep them on track. Along with this came a binder I had to complete for the class. It was very overwhelming because there was such an abundance of work to be completed in a short amount of time. I organized my materials and completed them right away and did not let it drag on to the last week of my vacation. I submitted the book on time and the next step was waiting for my interview. I was nervous for this at the beginning, but I practiced talking to friends, strangers, and even into a mirror until I had trust in myself to be confident and go into the interview with no doubt in my mind that I would impress the interviewers. The interview arrived and I got all dressed up, I was looking pretty fly. I was called into the office and the interview began. I started off with a firm handshake and introduced myself. I kept a smile on my face and added a little humor to my answers to show my true personality. The interview was over in the blink of an eye, the time just flew. I was told that my notebook was one of the best notebooks they had seen. I didn't acknowledge myself enough for this comment I received. I had recently received an email from Lynn Couturier, the head the the Physical Education Department, whom was my interviewer. The email stated that I had received honors for my notebook and interview. I was ecstatic about this news because I worked so hard on this book and I was recognized for it. My book was placed in a show case with 10 other books whom also had received honors. The major has about 200 students, and I was in the top 11. This is an astonishing achievement that I am truly proud of. Hard work really does pay off, everything you do in life, attempt it with your best effort. Never settle for less than you deserve. I never imagined that my book would be selected for this, but I had worked hard on it. It is better to try things and fail, then fail to try. In this particular case, I didn't fail, but I achieved complete success.

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