Who I AM

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Hello everyone, I am 23 years old and a Physical Education. I graduated from SUNY CORTLAND upstate New York. I am currently getting my masters in HPER at Emporia State University in Kansas.I currently work at Malverne High School as a leave replacement for physical education. I also teach 1 health and physical education class at the middle school for their district. I love volleyball and I am very competitive. I like challenges and being pushed to my limits. I've done some amazing DVD workouts such as Insanity and Insanity Asylum and P90X2. They can change your physical appearance tremendously. Your results are based on what you give in, how much you will push yourself, how much pain you can take and keep pushing knowing it will only benefit you. How much sweat are you willing to sweat? I believe that every person in this world can make a difference in a positive way, my way is by teaching. This blog is mainly from my undergraduate degree but I tend to add more post as I continue my career.

January 20, 2012

What A Great Teacher Is To Me !

Every person wishes to be a great teacher. Being a teacher is not easy, nor is being the best of the best. A person that demonstrates strong qualities such as being inspirational, motivated, enthusiastic, writes out objectives, and goes beyond what the average person does, that to me is a great teacher. Being inspiring to the students is key to get the kids interested and motivated into the lesson. Giving out rewards as an extrinsic motivation is a great way to get the students engaged. A teacher who speaks monotonously is quite boring and can lose the students interest. You must have passion for your subject area and show strong feelings so it lingers off onto the students.  A teacher who is organized and has ground rules for the classroom is very successful. You must have written out what you expect from the students at all times. It is great for the students to come into class, look at the board and know what to expect to do in class that period. Also another great quality for a teacher is that they do not allow one student to dominate the class. They hold the students attention by having a variety of lively approaches. They ask the students questions to make sure they understand the topic of the material. The teacher must clearly communicate with the students parents and let them know how their son/daughter is progressing as the days go on. The teacher must always update themselves with new rules and things that might change in the field. This is what I think a great teacher is. Everyone wants to be one, but the real question is, "why is it so hard to find a great teacher?"

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